Insurance Information

Please check with your insurer to confirm your coverage with Minden Medical Center. To verify your insurance plan, please email Grace Eskew at [email protected].

Please decide before admission which method of payment you will use and make your preference known during your admission interview. 

If you have Blue Cross or other commercial insurance, bring your insurance policy or identification card with you. We ask that you pre-pay the amount of any deductible or co-insurance according to your insurance benefits. Payment in full will qualify you for a prompt pay discount. 

Please remember that your hospitalization coverage is a contract between you and your insurance company. We will cooperate to the fullest in expediting your claim. However, until confirmation of our coverage is received from your insurance company, all charges will be considered your personal obligation and ultimate responsibility. 

If you do not have acceptable insurance, a cash deposit is required in advance for elective admission. Our financial counselors will work with you to determine the best method of payment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. 

There are two types of hospital charges for your care – charges for such things as laboratory tests, x-rays, physical therapy, surgery, medication, and services furnished at the request of your physician and standard daily service charges that include all the services normally provided for all patients, such as nursing care, dietary services, linens, housekeeping, accounting, medical records, admission, maintenance and security. 

Your hospital bill does not include the fees for the professional services of your physician, surgeons or consulting physicians. In addition, your hospital bill does not include fees for the services of your physician specialists such as pathologists, radiologists and anesthesiologists. You will be billed separately by the providers of these services. 

Medicare patients should bring their identification card with them. Medicare normally pays most of your hospital bill. Initial payment for the deductible is required, as well as the assumption of responsibility for that portion of the bill not covered by Medicare, such as private room charges and certain professional fees. 

If your hospitalization involves a liability claim, we will bill the liability insurance for Med-Pay benefits. You will be asked to make a deposit for your admission based on your diagnosis and your estimated length of stay if you do not have any other insurance. Any insurance claim settlement will be the responsibility of you and the insurance company. 

If you are admitted for an injury received at work we must have certification of insurance by your employer and insurance carrier. Please make sure that we have accurate information in order to speed the settlement of your hospital bill. 

Final payment or assignment of sufficient insurance benefits is required before you leave the hospital. Our patient accounts manager is available from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to discuss any questions you may have concerning the payment of your account. It can take as long as 48 hours for some charges to be processed. Charges for treatment or medication ordered during the period preceding your discharge may not appear on your statement when you leave the hospital. You may pay your bill online by going to, Patients & Visitors, and Online Bill Pay.

You may pay your bill online at this link: Click Here to Pay Bill

The hospital business office will continue to manage your account until all charges owed by you or your insurance carrier is satisfied. This means that it is necessary for the patient or responsible party to secure their help in expediting prompt payment from their insurance carriers. 

Most of our follow-up activities will be directed to your insurance carriers, but please be aware that patients are ultimately responsible for their accounts by way of periodic statements, letters, or telephone calls. This two-way process between the patients and the hospital helps both parties satisfy all financial obligations. We encourage patients to contact the hospital business office if there are any questions concerning hospital policies and procedures that apply to the management of the patient’s account. 

As an extra service, we provide financial counseling for patients and their families. This service allows us to help patients remain aware of their insurance benefits and their private pay responsibilities while they are still in the hospital. If you have any questions about payment for your hospital stay, please contact our patient accounts manager. 

The business Office is located off-site from the hospital at 346 Homer Road. You can contact your Business Office representative Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. by calling 318-371-2553.