Patient & Visitor Resources

Minden Medical Center is dedicated to providing the best possible patient care. Your comfort and convenience are also important, and a team effort by the entire staff will assure you of thorough, conscientious service. 

We hope your stay will be brief and that you will leave us both in good spirits and good health. We would like for you to know that thoroughly trained personnel, working as a team, will be involved in the treatment program.

Our mission at Minden Medical Center is providing High Quality Healthcare Close to Home Through Healing Hands and Caring Hearts. Vision is Improving the Health of our Community as the Provider of Choice with the Services We Offer.

The goodwill of our patients is our most treasured asset at Minden Medical Center. We realize that you have a choice of healthcare providers and that we can earn your goodwill only by giving you complete and gracious service. That is what we work for. 


Pre-admission/Pre-registration in advance will help us make your admission/registration less time-consuming so we can begin serving you immediately. It would be helpful to have applicable insurance cards, policy numbers, and Social Security numbers and identification available for the admission clerk.

Your insurance will be verified and estimates calculated to determine your out-of-pocket expense.  Discounts may be available for payment in full or a 30% deposit will be required. 

Your admission to Minden Medical Center was requested by your provider, who is a member of the hospital staff. During admission, you will be asked many questions by a member of our admitting staff. This information is necessary, and we appreciate your cooperation. All personal information is held in strict confidence. 

Patients who have already completed pre-admission forms and have made advance plans concerning insurance and similar matters help shorten the time required for the admission. 

General consent for treatment must be signed by each patient or by their next of kin at the time of admission. Permits for minors must be signed by parents or guardians. Any special procedures require additional consents. If you do not understand our forms, please ask us for an explanation. 

The wrist identification band that you receive upon admission should not be removed during your stay. It provides positive identification to all those who serve you and is a safeguard for your protection. 

Toothbrush, toilet articles, bathrobe, non-slip foot wear, nightgown or pajamas. Maternity patients should include an infant car seat as well as an outfit for the baby to wear home. 

Jewelry, money or anything of value. The hospital cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. There is a vault available for emergency situations when valuables cannot be sent home with family members. Please speak to the nurse on duty if you must store articles in the vault. In the interest of patients and staff safety, the use of all privately-owned electrical appliances, coffee pots, hair dryers, electrical toothbrushes, televisions and radios is strictly prohibited. 

If you are currently taking any medications at home, please bring a list of those drugs with you. Also be certain to tell your nurse if you have any known allergies. Your provider will prescribe the drugs that you require during your hospitalization.


Selected rooms in our facility will accommodate more than one patient, therefore we ask your consideration of other patients and hospital personnel. Please assist us by controlling noise, no smoking and the number of visitors in your room at one time, respecting the property of other persons and the health facility. 

By following the instructions and medical orders of your physician, you are facilitating your care and the efforts of the hospital personnel, your provider, and allied medical personnel in their efforts to care for you. 

In the event you are unable to properly communicate with your provider, nurses, or other medical personnel, please have a family member or an authorized person available to review your treatment plan. 

It is understood that you assume the financial responsibility of paying for all services rendered either through third-party (your insurance) or being personally responsible for payment of any services which are not covered by your insurance policies. 


ADJUSTING TO ROUTINE – Your provider, a member of our medical staff, is responsible for your treatment and normally will check your progress or visit you to schedule any special services. Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants will provide your nursing care and carry out your provider’s orders each day. The nursing team tries to complete procedures in the morning hours so that you will be free to rest or receive visitors during the afternoon, however, schedules do vary. 

DISASTER DRILL – Twice a year the hospital conducts disaster drills, so we are prepared to handle large emergencies. We make every effort not to disturb our patients, but your cooperation is appreciated. 

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES – Our environmental services staff keeps your surroundings clean and attractive. These employees work by the guidelines of the hospital infection prevention program including isolation cleaning techniques. Employees from these departments are conscious of your individual needs while performing their duties. 

FIRE DRILLS – Do not be concerned if you hear a fire alarm. The hospital staff participates in a fire drill once every month. These exercises keep our staff informed of any drill updates and ensure our readiness to deal with such a situation. 

OVERNIGHT STAYS – Visitors are discouraged from staying overnight. However, a family member may stay overnight if: 

  • It is the first night of surgery. 
  • Patient is a pediatric patient. 
  • Patient is in critical condition. 
  • Patient is emotionally upset. 
  • A private duty nurse is not available when required. 

PATIENT REPRESENTATIVE – In an effort to assist you in every way possible, Minden Medical Center provides you with a Patient Representative who will consult with you about any concern you may have. Your representative is the patient’s advocate in the midst of all the hospital activity. Her main concern is to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Your Patient Representative can be reached by dialing 5653 from any hospital phone, or by dialing 371-5653 outside the hospital.

PHONE – A telephone is located on your bedside table. You may make calls at any time, but we suggest that you ask persons calling you to be sensitive to the needs of the other patient if you share a semi-private room. Calls to patient rooms are not allowed after 9:00 p.m. 

To place a call, dial “9” wait for a dial tone, then dial the number you need to reach. Long distance calls may be placed by dialing “0”. They may be charged to your home phone number, a telephone credit card or you may call collect. If you have any problems with the telephone service, dial “0”. 

INTERNET – Complimentary wireless internet access is available to patients and their families who bring personal wireless enabled device(s), laptops etc. Simply log onto your wireless enabled computer and scan for wireless networks. Then click on “MMC-Guest”, you’ll be able to browse the Internet.

TELEVISION – There is a color television in each patient room. The on/off switch, channel selector and volume control are all included, either on the nurse call button or a separate remote control.  Please keep the television volume turned low. All televisions should be turned off by 11:00 p.m. 

SMOKING POLICY – Minden Medical Center is a non-smoking facility. This is for your safety and the safety of other patients. If you or a family member smokes, there is a designated smoking area.

VENDING MACHINES – Vending machines are located in cafeteria on 1st floor, back entrance of the hospital, 2nd floor reception area, 3rd floor reception area, 4th floor across form the elevator and in the ICU on 5th floor. Please note vending machines in cafeteria are accessible during serving hours. 

VISITORS – Visits by relatives and friends are important to patients. However, because the welfare of most patients demand rest, and the work of the hospital staff and physicians must not be disturbed, we have established the following regulations: 

  • Please leave promptly when visiting hours end at 9:00 PM. 
  • Use the front entrance to the hospital. 
  • Observe the “No Smoking” policy. 
  • When a “Isolation” sign is on the door, do not enter without speaking to a staff member first. 
  • Quiet is essential in a hospital. Even minor noises disturb sick people. Visitors and patients are asked to speak softly and to avoid unnecessary noise. 
  • Visitors are required to wear shirts and shoes inside the hospital. 
  • Visitors in the Intensive Care Unit are limited to 2 visitors over the age of 12 from 6:00 am – 8:00 am, 12 noon to 2:00 pm and 6:00pm to 9:00 pm

RECEPTION AREAS – Waiting rooms are available for patients and visitors. If your physician gives you permission to move about, you may want to visit your guests in one of these reception areas. 

YOUR SAFETY – The hospital has an active safety program, and all personnel are trained to prevent accidents. You can help by using the call button whenever you need assistance. All of our beds are equipped with side rails. These should remain up at all times on sedated or weak patients. A member of the nursing team will come to help you as quickly as possible. 

In the interest of safety,patients should not bring personal electrical equipment such as razors, toothbrushes, hair dryers, curlers, radios or televisions. Other rules that should be observed at all times are: 

  • Do not get out of bed or go to the bathroom without assistance, unless your doctor has given you permission to do so and has notified your nurse. 
  • Always request assistance when getting in or out of a wheelchair. 
  • Always use bedroom non-slip footwear when out of bed. 
  • Do not lean on the bedside cabinet or table for support. They may move under your weight. 
  • Never attempt to put down bedside rails without assistance. 
  • If uncomfortable, worried or in pain, do not hesitate to press the call button for your nurse. 


COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE – The employees of Minden Medical Center know that patients and providers choose their hospital because of quality and that their choice considers caring and compassionate behavior as well as technical skills. We’re working to be unequaled in how we treat patients, providers and one another, as you’ll notice when you’re here. 

THOSE WHO SERVE YOU – At Minden Medical Center, the entire staff is working to serve you, make you comfortable, and give you the best medical care available. Your comfort and recovery are our main concerns. If you have any questions, please ask. If our nurses cannot answer you, they will refer you to someone who can. 

MEDICAL STAFF – Your provider guides your care and treatment and may request consultation by other providers or specialists on the staff. Diagnostic services and tests are carried out with your primary provider’s knowledge, approval or prescription. Consulting providers along with Hospitalists work alongside your primary provider to provide thorough care from admission to discharge.

NURSING CARE – We offer quality care, planned and provided by a staff of professional nurses under the guidance of your provider. Other nursing personnel work directly under the supervision of registered nurses. 

ANESTHESIA SERVICE – If you require any type of anesthesia for a surgical procedure, it will be administered by an anesthesiologist or a registered nurse anesthetist under the direction of a provider. A representative from this department will visit you prior to your surgery to explain the various techniques and procedures involved in your case and answer any questions you may have regarding anesthesia services. 

BLOOD BANK – If you need a blood transfusion during your hospital stay, the blood will be obtained from volunteer donors through LifeShare

BLOODLESS MEDICINE – We have bloodless medicine; surgery program (BMSP) available which provides patients with quality medical and surgical care without the use of blood or blood products. 

CARDIOPULMONARY DEPARTMENT – The Cardiopulmonary Department consists of three departments: Respiratory Therapy, EKG, and Sleep. 

The Respiratory Therapy Department is staffed by RT’s and CRT’s. They perform respiratory treatments, PFT’s ventilator management and EKG’s, ABG’s and EEG’s. The pulmonary function lab (PFT) provides physicians with diagnostic information of the patient’s present respiratory condition and evaluates therapy the patient is receiving. The results are FVL, pre- and post-bronchodilator and MMV.

DIETARY – Your diet, like medication, is prescribed by your provider and is an important element in your recovery. Regular and modified diets are provided under the direction of a registered dietitian. The dietary department prepares nutritious meals in as great a variety as possible within the limitations prescribed by your provider. If you have questions or problems, please ask the nurse to notify the dietary department and we will be happy to help you. 

Guest trays for visitors are also available upon request to your nurse. Charges for these trays are payable in advance to the cashier. Please make a request one hour prior to each meal. Patient meals are served at the following times: 

  • Breakfast 7:30 to 9:00 AM 
  • Lunch 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Dinner 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
  • Menu Hotline – Dial Ext: 7286

Nutrition Education Appointments are available on an outpatient basis. We offer Carbohydrate Counting education for clients with diabetes, Renal Diet education for patients with renal disease of any stage, Weight Loss diet instruction for Overweight/ Obese Children and Adults, and Heart Healthy Diet instruction for individuals with heart conditions, elevated cholesterol, or elevated triglycerides. We would also be happy to answer any other nutrition related questions or topic you would like to discuss. Appointments can be made by referral from your Primary Care Physician or Specialist. You may also request an appointment by calling our Scheduling Department at 371-2166.  Some medical insurances cover diabetes and renal education. Appointments not covered by health insurance will have a $50.00 charge. Please contact us today so we can assist you in making healthier lifestyle choices. 

EMERGENCY SERVICES – Efficient care and attention for the emergency patient is one of the most important services we perform. Specially trained emergency room nurses are on duty in the emergency department 24 hours a day, every day of the year. A physician is also available during these hours. Emergency patients’ personal providers are notified whenever possible. 

The emergency department tries to assess the needs of each patient within 60 seconds of arrival. Although every effort is made to give all patients prompt treatment, our first responsibility is to treat our patients in accordance to the urgency of the situation. Therefore, the seriously ill or injured receive immediate attention even though this sometimes may mean a short wait for those in less need. 

You should have someone accompany you to the emergency department if possible. Minors should be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must sign consent forms before a minor can be treated, unless life or limb is in danger. 

Minden Medical Center has a basic charge for each emergency visit covering routine services, however, total emergency costs can differ depending on the patient’s needs and additional supplies and services rendered. 

The ER Physician bill, as well as other physician’s bills is billed separately. You may be charged fees by your personal physician, physicians called in on your case, and physicians who interpret x-rays or tests you receive. 

GASTROENTEROLOGY LAB – The gastroenterology lab uses special diagnostic procedures to detect disease of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. The physicians and nurses who perform their procedures are trained in the subspecialty of gastroenterology. 

INTENSIVE CARE UNIT – The Intensive Care Unit, staffed by specially trained personnel, provides 24-hour comprehensive nursing care and continued observation of acutely ill and post-operative patients. Centralization of life-saving equipment and skilled nursing care ensure optimum critical care. Extended ICU visitation hours are as follows: 

  • 6:00am – 8:00am 
  • 12:00pm – 2:00pm 
  • 6:00pm – 9:00pm 

LABORATORY – Our laboratory is staffed by registered technologists and technicians under the direction of a pathologist. This department is responsible for conducting many of the tests your provider will order. Upon admission, the laboratory may take a sample of your blood. 

Because of the nature of some laboratory tests, delayed meals and repeated blood specimens are sometimes necessary to provide accurate test results. Your provider can select the most effective means of treatment for you with the information gained from your laboratory test results. 

NUCLEAR MEDICINE – Nuclear medicine utilizes low dose radioactive reagents as a method of defining bodily organs, such as brain, liver, lungs and thyroid, for the purpose of assisting your provider in making a diagnosis. 

The usual dose of a radioactive reagent is exceedingly small. The remarkable sensitivity of modern detecting equipment makes the small trace of radioactive materials sufficient for most diagnostic studies. The radioisotopes we use are not explosive, will not give off heat, or cause sterility. The radiologist and technicians are thoroughly trained in the use and control of radioactive materials. 

OBSTETRICS – Minden Medical Center loves helping babies come into the world. Our staff delivers hundreds of new babies each year, yet each one remains a miracle to us. You may be surprised when visiting our hospital to hear the Brahm’s lullaby playing overhead, but it’s just a small reminder to our staff and visitors every time a baby is born that life is precious and we are truly thankful to play a huge part in that event. Our delivery suites are designed with women’s comfort in mind, with soft colors and special amenities. We provide valuable services from the beginning of pregnancy to the day of discharge for our new mothers. 

Monthly education classes are offered throughout the prenatal process to help prepare for delivery, breast-feeding and to provide newborns with first-rate care in our well-baby nursery. MMC was the first hospital in North Louisiana to receive the GIFT (Guided Infant Feeding Techniques) certification which was developed for hospitals in Louisiana that certifies criteria for educating and supporting new parents in the importance of and techniques for breastfeeding. You may call 371-3242 for more information on breastfeeding classes. 

Expectant mothers are taken directly to the birthing room where they are under the constant care of registered nurses specially trained in obstetrics and newborn care, and under the direction of their physician. Husbands or other coaches are permitted in the room during delivery. Visitors are restricted to two at a time for the safety and effective care of the laboring mother and her baby. No children under the age of twelve are allowed to visit in labor and delivery except the brother or sister of the baby. Newborn infants are allowed to stay in the room for one hour after delivery to bond with the mother and family unless special nursery care is required immediately after delivery. The nursery practices a rooming policy to facilitate bonding and allow adequate education for the new mother. Should newborns require additional care at birth, our Level II nursery is equipped to handle that as well. 

Expectant mothers along with their labor coach are also strongly encouraged to attend prepared childbirth classes offered by calling 371-5660. 

PASTORAL CARE – Being in the hospital can be a time of great spiritual need. The chaplain’s work at Minden Medical Center is grounded in the understanding that your beliefs are essential for your well-being. The staff chaplains are available for you and your family members of all faith traditions for prayer, counseling and support. 

When to call a Staff Chaplain: 

  • When you desire prayer or spiritual guidance and direction 
  • When you seek a better understanding of your relationship with God or a Higher Power 
  • When you desire spiritual support as you undergo medical or surgical treatments 
  • When you are wrestling with religious issues such as unresolved grief, lack of faith, inability to pray, a sense of being abandoned, or experience loss of hope of the meaning of life. 
  • When you need information about community religious congregations 

To contact a staff chaplain you can call 318-377-2321 or ask your nurse to contact the chaplain on your behalf. The hospital’s non denominational chapel is open to all 24 hours daily. It is located on the third floor. 

PHARMACY – All medications and preparations ordered by your provider during your stay here are provided by the hospital pharmacy under the direction of a licensed pharmacist. The hospital pharmacy is well stocked and uses the latest distribution methods to provide strict control over the dispensing of medications. 

RADIOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING – The x-ray department operates under the direction of a radiologist, who is a physician specializing in the diagnosis of disease by means of x-ray. The radiologist studies your x-rays in conjunction with your medical history and prepares a report for your physician. X-rays are taken by registered x-ray technicians who are specially trained in this field. 

Minden Medical Center has a breast cancer center which offers mammography in comfort and privacy. The center is equipped with the latest technology and is staffed by women technicians. 

The CT department uses a computerized axial tomographic (CT) scanner that projects x-ray beams through the body from multiple directions and constructs sectional images of body parts through computer analysis. The CT scanner can provide valuable information that is helpful in making a diagnosis. The equipment is operated by a trained CT technologist who is supervised by a radiologist. 

Diagnostic ultrasound helps complete the full range of imaging capabilities which Minden Medical Center offers for the benefit of its medical patients and staff. 

MMC’s Rehab Services is designed to return the patient to the highest level of function. Working as a team of healthcare professionals, the Rehab team will assist each patient in reaching maximum rehabilitation potential. Rehab services can meet your needs in one or all of the following areas: Acute Hospital Stay; Inpatient Rehab Unit; and Outpatient Clinic. For questions or to set up an appointment, call 371-3218. You have a choice, stay home in Minden for your rehabilitation needs. 

ACUTE INPATIENT REHAB – Conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and other complex medical conditions often require intensive inpatient rehabilitation immediately following medical stabilization in order to regain optimal physical function. At MMC rehab we provide outstanding inpatient rehabilitation utilizing the most advanced technology and a staff of highly trained, highly educated clinicians, all within the comfort and convenience of Minden Medical Center. We are available to provide on-site assessments and answer any questions you may have regarding inpatient rehabilitation. Call 371-3297 for more information or to request an assessment. 

PHYSICAL THERAPY – Physical therapy is available at MMC for both inpatients and outpatients through the outpatient rehab clinic. Physical therapy is provided by extensively trained licensed physical therapists who will develop a plan of care based on individual needs utilizing a variety of treatment techniques that help you move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. Your physical therapist can also help you prevent loss of mobility and motion by developing a fitness- and wellness-oriented program tailored to your specific needs. Physical therapists apply research and proven techniques to help people get back in motion. Conditions treated by a physical therapist include: arthritis, back pain, knee pain, osteoporosis, overuse injuries, shoulder pain, stroke, sprain, strain, fractures, and much more. To schedule an appointment with a physical therapist call 371-3218. 

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY – Occupational therapy is available through the MMC outpatient rehab clinic. Licensed occupational therapists provide services including customized treatments to promote activities of daily living, splinting, pediatric developmental delay, hand therapy, neurological and orthopedic problems, and urinary/bowel incontinence. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 371-3218. 

SPEECH THERAPY – Services are provided by licensed speech therapists and include evaluation and treatment for swallowing disorders, developmental delays in speech, speech and language services including voice disorders, pediatric speech services, Vital Stim therapy for muscle re-education, and swallow studies utilizing radiological interventions. For more information call 371-3218. 

Freedom Behavioral Health Unit – INPATIENT – Aging presents difficult challenges, especially depression, decreasing physical or mental capabilities, the inability to live independently, or the loss of lifelong companions. MMC’s Behavioral Health Unit is a hospital-based holistic approach to the treatment of adults 55 and older. Our program includes behavior modification, comprehensive medical care and alternative therapies. Our goal is to assist the patient in reaching the optimal functional and cognitive level. For more information on our inpatient program call 371-5646. 

SLEEP CLINIC – The two-bed Sleep Clinic at Minden Medical Center can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. A registered tech is available to see that you receive the help needed in order to have a more productive, enjoyable life. A pulmonologist and neurologist are also on staff to carefully read sleep studies and correctly diagnose sleep disorders. Persistent changes in your normal sleep/wake cycle may indicate the presence of a sleep disorder. A poor night’s sleep can affect an individual’s overall health as well as job performance and personal relationships. If you feel that you or a loved one may be suffering from a sleep disorder please contact your primary physician. If you need more information please call our Minden Medical Sleep Lab at 318-371-5690. 

SURGERY AND RECOVERY – The surgery area consists of well-equipped operating rooms staffed by experienced, professionally trained specialists to assist your physician. Visitors are not allowed in this area. Family members and visitors of a surgery patient may wait in the patient’s room. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit adjacent to our surgical suite is staffed by registered nurse specialists trained to assist patients until the effects of the anesthesia subside. Surgical patients remain in the recovery room until, in the judgment of the attending physician, they are ready to return to their room. 

QUALITY ASSESSMENT AND IMPROVEMENT – As a patient of Minden Medical Center, your needs are our foremost concern. It is our desire to be the finest hospital in the country. We strive to achieve that goal with an ongoing performance improvement philosophy. Minden Medical Center determines to do the right thing for the patient and to do the right thing well, which will achieve a quality outcome for you, the patient. The care at MMC is provided in an efficacious, efficient, safe, and respectful manner working only toward the best interest of the patient. We welcome you and your families’ comments and suggestions on ways that we can improve the care and safety rendered to you, while a patient at MMC. Minden Medical Center compiles with all federal, state and local regulatory agencies, as well as Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare, who govern health care institutes. 

PATIENT SATISFACTION – You may be chosen at random to participate in a survey about your care experience at Minden Medical Center through our participation in the HCAHPS survey process. The survey is composed of questions regarding the care items that encompass seven key topics: Communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, cleanliness and quietness of hospital environment, pain management, communication about medicines and discharge information. 

The survey is designed to produce comparable data on the patient’s perspective on care that allows meaningful comparisons between hospitals and issues important to you. Your comments and feedback are appreciated and will help us to maintain and improve our standards of excellence in patient satisfaction. This also helps us to personally recognize and reward our hardworking staff who made your patient experience as pleasant as possible. 

HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT – The Health Information Management department collects, organizes, retrieves, and provides the medical information that your provider needs to provide the highest quality of care for you. 

A detailed and complete record is kept on each patient admitted to Minden Medical Center. Your attending provider orders all treatment and records your condition in progress notes. Nurses continually record such necessary information as your temperature, pulse, respiration, diet, and medication. All treatments are also recorded by the therapist, including respiratory therapy and physical therapy. 

Upon discharge, a summary of your hospital stay, including discharge condition, is dictated by your provider and then transcribed by our Health Information Management department. When your record is complete, it is then filed for future reference. 

All medical records are property of the hospital and are filed in the Health Information Management department. Information contained in the records is confidential. 

Birth certificates are prepared in the Health Information Management department as well and sent to the Webster Parish Health Unit for forwarding to the Vital Statistics Department of Louisiana in New Orleans.


Please check with your insurer to confirm your coverage with Minden Medical Center.  To verify your insurance plan, please email Grace Eskew at [email protected].  Please decide before admission which method of payment you will use and make your preference known during your admission interview.

If you have Blue Cross or other commercial insurance, bring your insurance policy or identification card with you. We ask that you pre-pay the amount of any deductible or co-insurance according to your insurance benefits. Payment in full will qualify you for a prompt pay discount. 

Please remember that your hospitalization coverage is a contract between you and your insurance company. We will cooperate to the fullest in expediting your claim. However, until confirmation of your coverage is received from your insurance company, all charges will be considered your personal obligation and ultimate responsibility. 

If you do not have acceptable insurance, a cash deposit is required in advance for elective admission. Our financial counselors will work with you to determine the best method of payment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. 

There are two types of hospital charges for your care – charges for such things as laboratory tests, x-rays, physical therapy, surgery, medication, and services furnished at the request of your physician and standard daily service charges that include all the services normally provided for all patients, such as nursing care, dietary services, linens, housekeeping, accounting, medical records, admission, maintenance and security. 

Your hospital bill does not include the fees for the professional services of your physician, surgeons or consulting physicians. In addition, your hospital bill does not include fees for the services of your physician specialists such as pathologists, radiologists and anesthesiologists. You will be billed separately by the providers of these services. 

Medicare patients should bring their identification card with them. Medicare normally pays most of your hospital bill. Initial payment of the deductible is required, as well as the assumption of responsibility for that portion of the bill not covered by Medicare, such as private room charges and certain professional fees. 

If your hospitalization involves a liability claim, we will bill the liability insurance for Med-Pay benefits. You will be asked to make a deposit for your admission based on your diagnosis and your estimated length of stay if you do not have any other insurance. Any insurance claim settlement will be the responsibility of you and the insurance company. 

If you are admitted for an injury received at work we must have certification of insurance by your employer and insurance carrier. Please make sure that we have accurate information in order to speed the settlement of your hospital bill. 


Final payment or assignment of sufficient insurance benefits is required before you leave the hospital. Our patient accounts manager is available from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to discuss any questions you may have concerning the payment of your account.

It can take as long as 48 hours for some charges to be processed. Charges for treatment or medication ordered during the period preceding your discharge may not appear on your statement when you leave the hospital. You may pay your bill online by going to, Patients & Visitors, and Online Bill Pay.

The hospital business office will continue to manage your account until all charges owed by you or your insurance carrier is satisfied. This means that it is necessary for the patient or responsible party to secure their help in expediting prompt payment from their insurance carriers. 

Most of our follow-up activities will be directed to your insurance carriers, but please be aware that patients are ultimately responsible for their accounts by way of periodic statements, letters, or telephone calls. This two-way process between the patients and the hospital helps both parties satisfy all financial obligations. We encourage patients to contact the hospital business office if there are any questions concerning hospital policies and procedures that apply to the management of the patient’s account. 

As an extra service, we provide financial counseling for patients and their families. This service allows us to help patients remain aware of their insurance benefits and their private pay responsibilities while they are still in the hospital. If you have any questions about payment for your hospital stay, please contact our patient accounts manager. 

The business Office is located off-site from the hospital at 346 Homer Road. You can contact your Business Office representative Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. by calling 318-371-2553.


When you are ready to leave, remember the following: 

  • Have you checked the closet, bedside furniture and bathroom for personal items? 
  • Have you picked up any personal items deposited in our safe? 
  • Has your provider given you prescriptions, instructions for your medication, physical activity and diet and any follow-up appointment schedule? 

When you leave the hospital, your provider will inform you and indicate it on your medical record. A staff member at the nurses station will check with you to help you prepare to leave and find out what time you will be leaving. Your account is due and payable at the time of your discharge, less the estimated payment from your insurance carrier. This is most conveniently handled by having a member of your family check you out at the cashier’s window before you leave. A staff member must escort you to the door. 

In preparation for your discharge, the case manager is available to help you in identifying community resources that might be of assistance in your post-hospital care. Referrals are also made for families to public and private agencies. The nursing staff will help you in contacting a case manager. 

Personal items left behind will be held for the owner and may be claimed by contacting our environmental services department at 371-4331. After 30 days, any unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization. 

If you require medical services and do not have a provider in Minden, please contact Minden Medical Center and our Physician Referral Service will assist you in finding a practitioner to serve your needs. Call 318-371-3234.